Thursday, September 3, 2015

Week 8

Good afternoon, class.  Hope you are doing well.  The summer and the quarter are quickly advancing (or so it seems to me) and all our work soon to be finished.  I will return the graded final narrative drafts and other paperwork you have submitted.  The plan is to review the field work assigned, the final draft work of your image-based research essay, allow for some readings and grammar review, and perhaps watch a TED talk on how journalists today are using the Internet to access real-time data and images and how they verify the accuracy or truth of the huge amounts of content continuously being uploaded to the Web, whether at Twitter, Youtube, or other site.

You may have time to begin researching the final project, which is to be 500 words in full MLA format (all sources documented).  I encourage you to focus on a fresh, timely subject about which much information can readily be found, and that you have a personal stake in, by which I mean the subject really does matter to you.  Your writing will thus convey greater credibility.

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