Thursday, September 17, 2015

Week 10

Good afternoon!

Today we will continue working on the final short report.   If you have not yet chosen a topic, today is the day to do it. 
     Review the stories in the various topical sections of a comprehensive daily news source or recent publications on a topic you have heard or know something about, get the facts, follow links and other associated articles and then tell the story, i.e. what makes the story or report important or interesting specifically, and the point above all that drives your interest and conclusions.  You must support a central point (thesis point) using the material you have gathered. Integrate the several sources in the essay body through summary, paraphrase and direct quotation, background and evidence for the point you seek to make.  Compose the short Works Cited list of those sources you have used and named in text (cited in the body of the essay). Edit.  Revise.  Put a title on it.  You are done!
I will return the graded field reports and review grades individually.

     Next week is the last week of class and a short essay assignment will be asked of you from a set of topics that require no research or prior readings. 

Extra Credit:  Go to the Modern Love column at the New York Times online.  Choose from the recent or archived essays one that appeals to you.  All are first-person narrative essays on the subject of romantic love.  Briefly describe (include title and author and post date) the content and then respond to the work by drawing out the associations and thoughts it gives rise to in you.  You may include a story of your own that serves as commentary or illustration of what you find interesting in the piece. 400-500 words, titled. 

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